
Monday, Mar. 18, 2002 18:09

* Name: George

* Nicknames: G.

* Birthdate: 18/02/80

* Age: figure it out, fucker.

* Maturity Age: I have no idea. Everyone likes to think they're smarter then they actually are.

* How old do you really look: 25-26, I guess.

* Where do you Live: Philly, the only american city that keeps it really real.

* Shoe Size: 12/w

* Height: 6'1 3/4"

* Eye Color: blue-green-gray

* Hair Color: dirty blond

* Curly or Straight: straight

* Grade: FDA approved, Grade A.

* Do you have a Job: two, actually.

* Any Piercings/Tattoos: no piercings, some tattoos.

* Do you wear Glasses: I should, sometimes. I can't see very far.

* Ever been involved with the Police: Once, I think.

* Who's Your Role Model: Your mom.

* Best thing you've done this Summer: This ummer coming up? Going to europe will probably take that trophy.

* What Store do you shop at the Most: wawa [a convenience store, for those non-philly types]

* Do you have any Pets: one very bad kitten

* How many Languages do you Speak: 3-4 forms of english.

* Have you ever done any drugs: ... it's irritating me that you don't have ? marks after your questions .... yes, I've done drugs.

* Do you collect anything: music.

* Can you make your friends laugh: yes.

* Are you fun to hang around with: maybe once you get to know me, I am.


* Song: too many to single out.

* Celebrity: ehh, never bought into the celebrity watching thing.

* Animal: Lion or crow.

* Radio Station: I HATE the radio.

* Ice Cream: godiva chocolate & raspberry.

* Drink: jack & coke, or cherry coke.

* Thing to do on Weekend: spend time with my city.

* Season: fall.

* Number: 9

* Characteristic about Yourself: compassion.

* Sport : don't like sports.

* Movie of all Time: too many to list just one.

* Perfume/Colonge: nope, don't wear 'em.

* Hangout: D's house. Or a local wateringhole.

* Toppings on Pizza: sausage & mushrooms.

* Sesame Street Character: dude, the swedish chef.

* Salad Dressing: don't eat salad.

* Holiday: thanksgiving is nice.


* If you could have any Occupation:


* What's Your Dream Car:

Astin Martin, Audi TT

* If you could Live Anywhere: Philly ... wait, I do live here. rock on!

* Dream House:

anything with an extremely private japanese garden including small waterfalls and/or ponds. Anything that is warm, cozy and private.

* What Age do you want to get Married:

doesn't matter, as long as it's the right time.

* How many Kids do you Want:

doesn't matter. Not too many though. 3 at the most, I guess.

* Girl's Names: Ariel, Natasha.

* Boy's Names: William, Yves.

Things to Make you Think

* If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring 3 things what would they be:

a gun & lots of bullets [for hunting], A backpack, and lots of string.

* Your Opinion on the banning of Guns:

Utterly stupid.

"China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Gun control works really well... "

"Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million 'educated' people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated."

"Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. "

"With guns, we are citizens. Without them, we are subjects.

Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th century because of gun control: 56 million"

* on Abortion:

everyone [woman] has a right to live their life how they want, and make their own choices.

* Where were you when you found out OJ Simpson was innocent:

High School Cafeteria

* What do you Wear To Bed:

shorts a t-shirt

* What's Your Bed Time:


* Do you Wish on Stars:


* Is there a TV in your Room:

in the livingroom...

* Is there a phone in your room:

in the livingroom...

* Do you have your own phone line:

I have one phone line, and yes, it is my own [why do these questions always sound like they're coming from people who still live with their parents?]

* Do you have a cell phone:


* Do you have a beeper:

used to. it got shot to pieces during a paintball game [forgot I had it on].

* What's the Last thing you do Before you Fall Asleep:

why do you capitalize words that shouldn't be???

last thing I do is either have a glass of milk and/or a shower.

* Person who knows the Most about You:

me, obviously.

* Loudest person you know:

hmmm, I don't know. I don't really know too many loud people... I don't like loud people, so I tend not to know them.

* Craziest person you know:

shady nate.

* Person who likes to see you sad:

what kind of sadistic question is this?

* Person who knows how you feel:


* Friends:

D, shady nate, Kawaja, danika & bonnie, plus others...

* DO you truly hate anyone:

I don't think so...

* Who is it and why:

fuck off. It's YOU now.

* Who do you talk to on the Phone the Most:

I am ethically opposed to talking friviously on the telephone.

*Parents Married/Divorced:

never married to begin with.

* Any Siblings:


* Longest you've been away from parents:

I'll have to say this upcoming deployment. I'll be gone from july until jan-feb.

* How many Schools have you been to:

I dunno. One? two? three?

* Do you get along with your Parents:


* Are you Passive or Aggresive:


* Whose your 2nd Family:


* Vanilla or Chocolate:


* Craziest/ Funniest Dream:

too detailed to get into right now.

* Would you rather be Hot or Cold:


* What is your Curfew:

when I get tired.

* What is your Fave Halloween Costume of all Time:

someone had a buzz lightyear costume. hand crafted out of plastics, beeping and flashing lights, clear face plate that could slide up or down & with wings that popped out.

* Do you Play any Musical Instruments:

no. I suck.

* Talk Shows = Real or Fake:


* What are some of your favorite memories:

read my diary.

*Any weird obsessions?

guns, but certainly not in a psychopathic manner.

*Biggest turn ons:

women's shoulder blades, girlish giggles, meaningful eye contact, really good sex.

*Biggest fear:

watch this

*Listening to anything?

new Zero 7's "Another Late Night" album.

*Plans when this survey is done?

going out. wreaking the world.

.new .older .profile .email .guestbook .soundtrack :: defect

dland exuant omnes your voice drifts away into lost binary alleyways it echoes photography

last five:
A Winter Letter - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007
almost but not quite - Wednesday, Mar. 22, 2006
rural times, blue skies. it feels so warm over my hair - Wednesday, Jun. 01, 2005
smiles and gone - Monday, Feb. 07, 2005
I caught my love in North Carolina - Monday, Nov. 29, 2004

disclaimer: my shit is copyrighted.