
18.11.2001 6:05

so I didn't see very much of the meteor shower. At least, it wasn't what I expected. Maybe I missed the real action? I could only keep myself awake until 5:10am after being up since 8:30am.

All in all, I think I saw about 6 to 8 meteors, of various shapes and sizes, over the course of the night [midnight, when I was out on the deck at a party, looking out at center city, to 5:10am, staring out my bathroom window through the rooftops around my apartment building, into the eastern sky.].

There was one that was bright white, which fell straight down, and vanished behind a house. I was always waiting for the boom, and then the conflagration to wipe out this city. I wondered if someone on america's list of bad people, would try to sneak in a nuclear missle.

"Hey, look at that meteor there! Yea, the one that looks like it has rocket boosters and a sickle and hammer on it."

so my experience with the meteor shower wasn't exceptionally exciting. And they say we'll have to wait another 33 years for that again, oh golly...

am I jaded towards space now?

"C'mon universe, what the fuck was that suppost to be?"

.new .older .profile .email .guestbook .soundtrack :: defect

dland exuant omnes your voice drifts away into lost binary alleyways it echoes photography

last five:
A Winter Letter - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007
almost but not quite - Wednesday, Mar. 22, 2006
rural times, blue skies. it feels so warm over my hair - Wednesday, Jun. 01, 2005
smiles and gone - Monday, Feb. 07, 2005
I caught my love in North Carolina - Monday, Nov. 29, 2004

disclaimer: my shit is copyrighted.